Love - Simplified

Love Simplified

Love is so much more simple than we are lead to believe. 

It’s realized in that excitement in your chest, that millisecond of hesitation to breathe when you see their name on the caller ID. 

It’s that melting feeling when you relax in their arms, breathing in the smell of vulnerability and for the first time in your life not recognizing fear. 

It’s the cliches, the plans made, the perfect day bingeing movies on a couch or at a villa in Montego Bay.

It’s beauty in all the wrong places all the things someone somewhere once told you were the worst parts of you but are every single reason at the top of the list of things they fell in love with. 

It’s intangible, a gut feeling, enough to make a believer of fate out of an atheist. 

It’s the closest thing I’ve ever felt to magic.

The most natural way to exist just short, or maybe more than breathing. 

I can’t even begin to describe this feeling but I know I never have to. 

As long as I feel the lines of your palm cradling the curve of my back as a reminder that your love is strong enough to carry the burdens that have tried to break me…

I’ll know that maybe you were made for me, maybe this life is one of 583 that I’ve found you in and made a home within the spaces of our heart beats. 

That maybe this love was always meant to be. 


Behind My Hazel Eyes


The Love I Want